The Custom Of Kapparot
- One generally does kapparos with a chicken and gives its value to tzedaka. One can also use money, which one then gives to tzedaka.
- The custom of Maran Chacham Ovadia Yossef Zatsa”l and Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky Zatsa”l was to wave a chicken, and to give its value to Kupat Ha’ir.
- The minimum sum is $26 per person. Customarily a more significant sum of $52 is given; there are those who give $72 or $120 per person.
- Each man and woman is obligated. One also gives on behalf of babies; an expectant mother gives double.
- Before giving one should say, “Zeh chalifosi, zeh temurosi, zeh kapparosi, zeh hakessef yailech l’tzedakos Le Hachaim Vehashalom – v’ani yechanes v’ailech l’chaim tovim arukim u’leshalom.”
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